CA Inter-Combo (New Course)- GST & ADV. ACC (Regular Batch) By CA Raj Kumar & CA Parveen Sharma


Attempt – MAY 2025 & SEP 2025 EXAMS.

Product Info ADV.ACC
No of lectures:-                                                    120 Lectures.
Duration:-                                                          320 hours | Language:-  (Hindi- English Mix)
Validity:-                                                            12 Months from the date of Activation
Views:-                                                              3 views (1 live +2 backup views)
Study Material:-                                            Hard Copy Updated study material Main books including MCQ’s Hand written notes, RTP, MTP, past questions and Revision planner etc.
Product Info GST
No of lectures:-                                                    40 Lectures.
Duration:-                                                          120 hours  | Language:- (Hindi- English Mix)
Validity:-                                                            12 months from the date of Activation
Views:-                                                                2 views (1 live +1 backup views)
Study Material:-                                             2 main 1 Quiz Book 1 compiler
Class Mode

Google Drive, Live@Home


May 25, Sep 25




1.5, 2


12 months, 6 months


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